Withdrawing Assets

Withdrawing GM Tokens and USDC from the protocol

As long as your Health Factor stays above 1 after your withdrawal transaction, you can withdraw your deposited GM tokens at any time. Since USDC is not used as collateral, you may withdraw deposited USDC tokens at any time regardless of Health Factor.

To withdraw tokens:

  1. Navigate to the Positions subtab <insert link> on the Loop! page.

  2. In the Positions subtab, pick the asset you'd like to withdraw from the dropdown and enter how many tokens to withdraw. Doing so should give you a "live" preview of your potential Health Factor after the withdrawal. If the new Health Factor shows below 1, the withdrawal will more than likely be rejected.

  3. Once you've settled on the amount to withdraw, click Withdraw and sign the transaction that auto-populates in your wallet.

Withdrawing GM Tokens

Once the transaction has been sent, if the platform determines you will be in good Health after the withdrawal, then the tokens will be sent to your wallet. Even if you withdraw all your tokens for a specific asset, the withdrawal will not disable the asset as collateral. This currently needs to be done separately. Of course, the more assets that are enabled as collateral you withdraw, the less you can borrow. You can see more details on your position and/or manage your position in the Positions tab.

Withdrawing USDC Tokens

Withdrawing USDC is more straightforward since it is not used as collateral, and a new Health Factor does not need to be calculated.

Last updated