Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I get GMI?

Users first need GM tokens from GMX, or they can receive GMI by zapping USDC on the GM Index page. See Providing/Removing Liquidity for full instructions.

Is there a minimum stake amount to earn GMI Points?

Yes, the minimum stake amount to start earning points is 100 GMI tokens. You must keep your stake above the minimum in order to claim points. You may unstake at any time after you claim your points.

If you were above the minimum stake for a time, then unstaked to go below, then staked again to get above the minimum stake again, then you will be able to claim points for the time you were above the min stake only. You also must be above the minimum stake to earn GMI points from your referrals.

How are points calculated?

Points are based on the amount of GMI tokens you stake, the duration of staking, and the staking activity of your referrals and their referrals. See GMI Points for formulas and examples.

Can I unstake at any time?

Yes, you can unstake your GMI tokens at any time by entering the amount to be unstaked and clicking the "Unstake GMI" button on the Staking page. You can stake and unstake as many times as you want.

What happens to my points if I unstake?

Unstaking will stop future points accumulation for the unstaked amount. Your accumulated points remain until you decide to claim them. Even then, they are moved to "claimed" points, as well as being converted to non-transferrable tokens, called GMI Points.

How does the referral program work?

Refer new users to stake GMI tokens and earn additional points based on how long they stake. You'll also earn from the staking activity of their referrals. See GMI Points for formulas and examples.

Can an address be its own referrer or grand referrer so that users can game the Points system?


How long do points accrue for?

Points accrue until the end of the GMI Points Program, which will be determined at a later date. The current pointsEndTime set in the Staking contract is a placeholder and not the official end date for the Points Program.

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Last updated